Spring Tools - Internal CI builds

Eclipse p2 repositories

Note: please do NOT use your browser to access these p2 repositories directly, there is no web index content being served. Instead add them to the available update sites in your Eclipse/STS preferences or paste them into the "Install New Software" dialog.

STS4 Distribution:

STS4 language server extensions (this repository is meant to be used to ship updates of the language server extensions to existing STS4 installations. In production, the release version of this repository is used.)

Eclipse-based Distribution Builds

Spring Tools for Eclipse - based on Eclipse 2025-06 Milstone Builds (4.36.0)

Spring Tools for Eclipse - based on Eclipse 2025-03 Release (4.35.0)

Spring Tools for Eclipse - based on Eclipse 2024-12 Release (4.34.0)

Spring Tools - Visual Studio Code Extensions